Donation Record
「心安處・靈性關懷中心」籌款 為「過難關」的人士出一分力

「真愛無界限,陪您過難關」。大覺福行中心早於 2011 年正式成立「佛教院侍部」,於佛教界創下先河,提供有規範和素質的定期醫院心靈關懷服務。截至 2024 年,服務已推展至 17 間公立醫院,歷年探訪院友逾 70,000 人次。



Donation Methods
Personal Information
Same as above
The provision of personal information is voluntary. The personal information collected in this e-form are for the purpose of sending e-newsletter and other information in relation to SPGA’s services and activities. We will not transfer or disclose your personal information to any other party without your prior consent.
Verification of Information
Donation information
Donation Item: Donation for Spiritual Care Sanctuary
Donation Amount: HKD$ __
Donation Method
Donation Method: __
Credit Card: __
Card No.:__
Expiration Date:__
Information of Donor
Name of Donor / Corporate: __
Contact Person: __
Title: __
Contact Tel No: __
Email: __
Donation Receipt
Donation Receipt: __
Name of Donor: __
Collection of Donation Receipt: __
Mailing Address: __
Thank you for your donation
Your donation has been successfully processed.
Our heartfelt gratitude to your donation. Your generous support allows us to keep our much-needed services going, realizing "True Love is Borderless, Together We Overcome Hardships".
Should you have any quries, please feel free to contact us at 3153 4499.
Reference no: __
Donation information
Donation Item: Donation for Spiritual Care Sanctuary
Donation Amount: HKD$ __
Donation Method
Donation Method: __
Credit Card: __
Information of Donor
Name of Donor / Corporate: __
Contact Person: __
Title: __
Contact Tel No: __
Email: __
Donation Receipt
Donation Receipt: __
Name of Donor: __
Collection of Donation Receipt: __
Mailing Address: __